Liberty & Horse Behaviour box set > Part 2 > DVD 2,3,4 > 1st Games DVD > All chapters.
Pat & Linda Parelli
I know some of you wont have this set (like me!) but I was lucky enough to be able to borrow it from a friend for a while, and if you are unable to buy your own I would strongly reccomend borrowing or sharing a copy at some point... this set was the real step between 'doing parelli' and 'starting the journey as a horseman' for me. It is just fabulous, the psychology behind it, and how in depth it is. It goes into every horsenality, every sort of horse, and what works. It also looks at you, your humanality and how you should respond to different things.
Enough bigging it up! I chose the games segment of the dvd to write up on, I dont have the dvd in front of me as its now returned to my friend, so this discussion will be a slightly different format, mainly just the notes I wrote up when I watched it.
Dvd 2, Chapter 1 - Pat
- There are thousands of ways to play each game... Get creative!
- Observe, remember, compare (relating to a horse in its natural environment, watch him, see what he does, remember it, and apply it to your sessions).
- First 3 games are the core games, get good at these before moving on. Each of the next games is an extreme version or a mix of the 3 core games.
- Friendly = Confidence. Horses are prey animals and can be afraid of motion, silhouette, distance and approach. Friendly games will help your horse to see these don't have to be threatening anymore, through lots of retreat!
- Porcupine = Sensitive. Rub > Stimulate > rub. Reward the slightest try. Cause him to follow a feel, how light can you be? Have hands that close slowly, and open quickly (opposite of predator).
- Driving = Suggestion. Rhythmic pressure, how little can you do? Play the game of 'you're getting warmer'.
Chapter 2 - Linda (More Fun with the driving game- getting creative)
- Touch it from zone 3, zone 4, and zone 5 (behind) Can you get it so that he's just as responsive on his 'bad' side?
- Turning, straight lines, over, through, around and between obstacles.
- Make sure you release when they try!
- Get very good on 1 line, then give it a go on two! (not recomended before level 3)
- With 2 lines, start in zone three and work backwards until confident.
- Use a direct rein, smooch if you need to, to go, and rhythmic pressure as phases if he doesnt respond.
- You can then go to trot and canter, flying changes etc!
- Sideways on 2 lines, stay behind and vibrate 1 line, hold the other.
- Looking for confidence and responsiveness.
Dvd 3, Chapter 1 - Pat
Yoyo - To and fro! Think about straightness and responsiveness. Can you get a yoyo on just a look? (Ultimate phase 1). Give him a job, yoyoing around things, into a stable etc.
Chapter 2 - Linda (More fun with yoyo)
- Up and down the pedestal.
- Up to, but not on the pedestal.
- Through gates.
- On the draw, can he stop 2 strides early? then back a step? forward 3? etc etc..
- Remember to keep your feet still.
- Look for straightness.
- If they get dull on the wiggle, you're doing too much wiggling! Think how you can change your phases.
- Back up to a barrel and stop when he touches it with his back legs.
- Come up to a jump, stop, yoyo, jump, yoyo back again. Start this with a pole.
- If he gets worried, retreat!
- Yoyo from all zones.
- Incorporate with the circle game, by yoyoing at different gaits (Linda uses 2 cones either side of the pen, and changes gait at each cone.)
- Put a circle on the ground with your rope, having the horse at liberty (In round pen), and stay in your circle.
- To teach the elevated trot (high level 3/4), use a plastic bag on the carrot stick (so as not to tangle in the string!) and play yoyo while in zone 3, forward and back. You stay still, and get faster as he builds confidence. Start soft, and increase. When he starts to move in an upwards fashion, ask for forward trot and see if he elevates!
- Drive forward and back from zone 5 just holding his tail.
Chapter 3 - Pat
Circling game - The power of neutral. It must be his choice, its a responsibility (difference between lunging). Different types.. fowards, backwards, slow, fast, small, large.
Chapter 4 - Linda (More fun with the circling game)
- Circling can be boring or exciting, your job to make it the latter.
- Close range circles with the stick on his wither.
- If using the 12ft, either get interesting fast or switch to 22ft asap.
- Circle backwards close range by using rhythmic pressure in zone 1.
- If he gets a leg over the rope, say 'how interesting!', how can he learn something? teach him to get himself out of the situation.
- If he keeps coming in/breaks gait, change direction as soon as you see the thought!
- If at liberty, dont chase him if he gets lost. Just take what he offers and wait for him to come back.
- Travelling circles, hills, obstacles etc. Get out on the 45ft line and let him gallop (once control and leadership is established), he'll love it!
- Put obstacles around the edge of a round pen, and have him at liberty. Sit on a chair in the middle and let him work his way through them, give him responsibility. If he comes in, change direction. Don't watch him, as thats pressure.
- Do figure 8's while standing on a stool/in a hoop.
Dvd 4, Chapter 1 - Linda (More fun with sideways)
- More Distance and speed.
- Remember to stay out of the kickzone.
- Try with you outside the round pen, and him inside, and vice versa.
- If he starts blowing out, let him stop and relax.
- Approach and retreat for confidence.
- Go sideways with zone 5 against fence, barrel, trailer etc.
- Sideways from zone 5.
- Don't worry about perfection, put the relationship first!!
Chapter 2 - Linda (More fun with squeeze)
-Through, under, over and across.
- Don't move your feet!
- Turn, face and wait.
- Consider you're horse's flight line (How far they will run to in fear, eg. Extroverts and RBs further away, introverts nearer)
- Squeeze game is the best confidence builder, use alongside repetition.
- Remember to let them wait, lick and chew etc.
- Try at liberty.
- Merge the games together... circle and squeeze? Yoyo and squeeze? etc etc.
- Squeeze over jumps, turn face and wait.
Well thats all the notes I got for this, was good to re-write it all as its jogged my memory and given me a few new ideas. This one is definitely a good one for those who get stuck doing the same old 7 games and lack creativity. The possibilities with the games are endless, its just about thinking new things up! Hope you enjoyed it, please comment with any ideas of BFO's you had, and any different variations of the games you can think of!! Also do let us know how you get on if you put this to action with your horse.
See you next week!
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